Ours is a large project with different workstreams, but here we sum up who we are and what we do in seven objectives: it is our identity. All of them are aligned with the 2030 Agenda proposed by the United Nations and the Navarra’s Government Sustainable Development Goals.

To create and connect green infrastructures

We look for a sustainable city environment, a mosaic of little forests and ecological crops that connects with the nearby green infrastructures and that makes itself a green perimeter infrastructure in Tafalla.

To promote biodiversity

We aim to recover and enlarge the former biodiversity of this territory, the Zona Media. We are developing a research that has between its objectives a deeper territory analisis in order to achieve its plenty biodiversity. Also and in agreement with the town council, we are creating little forest with various tree varieties. We plant, with great social support, some hectares each  year, as they were pieces of this great green puzzle that is our project.

To recover and preserve degraded spaces

Tafalla’s periurban area is crossed by infrastructures without mitigating measures related to land, landscape, or noises. Untreated embankments, concrete barriers, IHT lines, intensive crops with harmful phytosanitary products on the edge of the urban area, etc. Is in this scenario where we are developing the project, with the goal of recover and preserve degraded spaces. 

To benefit the local economy

Despite the plantation of trees is a great objective itself, BERDESIA goes further: we look for a real social and economical reactivation of our village and the creation of circular economy work initiatives on leisure time activities, tourism, ecological agriculture, and traditional farming, with an impact on the local commerce.

To promote environmentally friendly habits

This project makes possible environmental education in the general population and the school community, with activities as the creation and keeping of tree nurseries at schools or plantations with students.

To adapt to climate change

We want to create the best conditions to adapt to the effects of climate change thanks to our green infrastructures: a microclima that protects the city from heat waves. The green cover absorbs the rain and mitigates the effects of the flooding of the river. The creation of an extense green area increases the biodiversity and copes better with droughts. We are aligned with the Navarra’s Government climate change strategy KLINa – Hoja de Ruta del Cambio Climático de Navarra.

To create community: associative and social implication

Social acceptance is essential for the project and constitutes itself an objective: we want to create community, to settle the citizens around a more dynamic and liveable city.

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